Another month comes to a close in 2024 and we’re celebrating three events this month!
Vacation Races’ Rocky Mountain Half
Race Stats
As some of your may know, this event was cancelled due to wildfires. We still have several charity bibs fundraiser and run virtually and few who elected to transfer to another event. We know this is a great course and we look forward to returning in 2025!
AKtive Soles Hatcher Pass Marathon and Relay
Race Stats
We had our first ever charity bib for this new event.
Hannah raised $1300 for the Alaska Conservation Foundation.
Orca Runnings’ Iron Horse Half
Race Stats
Our charity bib entry, Russell raised for his choice of charity and brought in over $1,100 before running last weekend.
Strong finishes by all, especially with all the weird weather, travel IT issues, and other barriers our athletes encountered. With one of the hottest months of the year wrapped up, we’re looking forward to cooler weather and more running!